On Your Health

Check back to the INTEGRIS On Your Health blog for the latest health and wellness news for all Oklahomans.


Examining the Impact of Digital Misinformation on Your Sleep Quality

There's a growing trend on YouTube of misinformation about sleep medicine, including tips and advice on improving sleep disorders. In this blog we visit with Viral Doshi, M.D., a sleep medicine specialist with INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine, to examine how watching these videos for information can harm your sleep health.



National Immunization Awareness Month

National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance in August to highlight the importance of vaccines for people of all ages and how they help to prevent and protect us from serious, sometimes deadly, diseases and illness.



Why the Brain Seeks Out Sadness in Music

Sadness is a common but unpleasant emotion – it’s one of the six basic emotions alongside fear, happiness, anger, surprise and disgust. Sadness is also inherently viewed as negative, but as science has indicated, it’s not always a bad thing. Take music, for example – the brain is actually capable of receiving pleasure from sounds and lyrics that focus on sadness.



What Is Swimmer's Shoulder?

Paul Allegra, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine physician at INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Orthopedics Central, warns that “shoulder pain can be secondary to a multitude of factors, including multidirectional instability, rotator cuff tendinitis, subacromial impingement or rotator cuff tears.” He says if symptoms persist, you should seek treatment from a medical professional.



What Your Face Can Tell You About Your Health

You can glean valuable information simply by looking at someone’s face. Whether it’s facial expressions to indicate happiness or sadness or changes in skin color and texture to indicate illness, the face can offer insights into how you’re feeling.



Reducing Pain Through Physical Therapy

There isn’t a cure for chronic pain, so many times, patients will turn to medications for chronic pain relief, such as over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or opioids. But more conservative treatments such as physical therapy can help without being tied to as many side effects as medications – long-term NSAID use can cause gastrointestinal problems and prescription painkillers have addictive properties.



When is it Time to Consider Knee Replacement Surgery?

The decision on when to get knee replacement surgery is a topic many Americans struggle with. In 2020, Northwestern Medicine published a study that found 90 percent of people waited too long to fix their knee with joint replacement surgery, and 25 percent of people who had it done did so prematurely.



Why is My Fitbit Giving Me a Rash?

Smartwatches have become increasingly popular for their health-tracking features. But they can also cause skin irritations and rashes for some people. These skin issues, known as contact dermatitis, are a common issue associated with wearing smartwatches. Learn more about contact dermatitis and how to alleviate irritated skin.



What are the Six Stages of Concussion Recovery?

We spoke with Paul Allegra, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon with INTEGRIS Health in Edmond, about how to recognize a concussion and what next steps to take.



Who Should Get the RSV Vaccine?

RSV is a common viral infection that affects the respiratory system, including the nose, throat, lungs and breathing passages. RSV comes from the Paramyxoviridae family, a group that also includes the mumps and measles. The virus can replicate anywhere in the respiratory tract, mainly the breathing tubes and lungs. This replication then causes swelling and inflammation that makes you sneeze, cough or have trouble breathing.

Lainey Townsend


Why Do You Need a Primary Care Provider?

You’ll visit your primary care doctor for most medical needs, including wellness visits and routine preventive screenings, non-emergency illnesses like colds and sore throats. This is the person to whom you can comfortably ask questions about your health or voice concerns. We speak with Nathaniel Yokell, M.D., a physician at INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Yukon, about the importance of maintaining a relationship with a primary care provider.

Lainey Townsend


The Role of Nutrition in Skin Health

Skin is the body's largest organ, and serves as a protective barrier. While various factors influence skin health, nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining its vitality, resilience and overall well-being.

Lainey Townsend


Breakfast: Is It the Most Important Meal?

Breakfast: it’s the most important meal of the day! Right? This popular platitude has been echoed time and time again, but what kind of scientific support is there to back it up? Breakfast helps many people kick start their day with energy, but some morning meals can do more harm than good.

Lainey Townsend


Should You Try an Affirmation Workout?

An affirmation workout takes two healthy practices – exercise and positive self-talk - and brings them into one powerful package: the affirmation workout. You can use affirmations before, during and after a workout – or all three. Choose one or two affirmations that speak to you – don’t try to remember more than a few.

Lainey Townsend


What is Volume Eating?

This eating philosophy is also sometimes referred to as the energy density approach. It’s all about evaluating foods based on nutrition, calorie density and fiber content. Foods with a lower calorie density contain fewer calories per gram than high-calorie-density foods. Fiber content is something to pay attention to because fiber keeps you feeling full.

Lainey Townsend


Simple Lifestyle Changes for Better Gut Health

Maintaining a healthy gut is essential for overall well-being. The health of our gastrointestinal system, often referred to as the gut, plays a vital role in digestion, nutrient absorption and immune function. If you're looking to improve your gut health, there are simple lifestyle changes you can incorporate into your daily routine.

Lainey Townsend


Clean Beauty: What Does it Mean and Why Does it Matter?

When you hear the term 'clean beauty,' you might wonder what it's all about. Is it just another fancy phrase in the world of skincare and cosmetics? We dive into this topic to understand what clean beauty means and why it's important for you and the planet.

Lainey Townsend


How to Shop for Higher-Protein Foods

There are changes to make when shopping to make adding more protein into your diet easier. Whether it’s revamped products that feature more protein or existing products that are healthier alternatives, consider these swaps the next time you’re at the store.

Lainey Townsend


Should You Add Collagen Powder to Your Routine?

Collagen is a health supplement that can help you have healthier hair, glowing skin and fewer wrinkles. It is associated with all of the above and has very few known risks. We share some ways collagen can help enhance your life.

Lainey Townsend


How to Ease Desk Job Pain

The most common desk job injuries include back pain, carpal tunnel and arm pain, headaches, shoulder and neck pain, hip and leg pain. We detail several different ways that you can help prevent desk pain in the future.

Lainey Townsend


How Joy Affects the Body

Did you know that managing stress and anxiety is a big factor when it comes to keeping the body in good health? When we live stressful lives or are constantly feeling the effects of anxiety, we may start to neglect our health without realizing it. People with optimistic outlooks on life have been shown to have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, so tending to your mental health could be just as beneficial as watching your cholesterol levels!

Lainey Townsend


What are the Benefits of a Cold Plunge?

Have you ever heard of a cold plunge? The idea of willingly jumping into chilly waters might seem strange, but there's much more to it than meets the eye. We explore the science behind these icy adventures and discover the amazing ways they can boost your well-being.

Lainey Townsend


Foods to Help Fight Fatigue

In some cases, fatigue can be an indicator of an underlying medical problem, but most of the time, fatigue can be correlated with habits we either need to break or adopt. Too much exercise or physical exertion can lead to fatigue, as can boredom, poor sleep, emotional stress and poor eating habits. We share different foods to eat and avoid to help fight fatigue.

Lainey Townsend


A Dozen Proven Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil is delicious. You can drizzle it on bread, cook with it, make marinades and dressings, add it to any recipe calling for oil or butter, cook eggs in it…we even found a recipe for an olive oil martini. According to the American Heart Association, extra virgin olive oil is the top choice for health benefits, but regular olive oil is a good second choice. We share a dozen reasons to choose this oil for cooking and eating.

Lainey Townsend


Ways You May Not Have Realized Stress Affects Your Body

The same stress you deal with when completing daily tasks can also affect your body in ways you never realized. We’ll highlight some common areas that stress can directly or indirectly impact, as well as how stress can affect your immune system.



Improving Your Health With Laughter

Boost your health with laughter! It's a free, fun, and easy way to cope with challenges, enhance relationships, and promote physical and emotional well-being.



Ways Our Pets Help with Stress and Mental Health

We all love our fur babies for their companionship and cuteness, but did you know that they may be beneficial for your health as well? Studies show that keeping a pet can work wonders on keeping your stress levels under control and can have a positive impact on your physical health as well.

Lainey Townsend


Loaded Teas: Are They Safe to Drink?

We explore what loaded teas are and if they're safe to drink.

Lainey Townsend


Dehydration Symptoms, Causes and Tips for Avoiding It: We’ll Drink to That

Summer in Oklahoma is hot and it’s all too easy to become dehydrated. It’s simple enough to reverse mild, or even moderate dehydration by increasing fluid intake and making sure to drink enough liquids and eat enough hydrating foods daily. We share symptoms of dehydration and tips to stay hydrated in hot weather.

Lainey Townsend


5 Natural Sleep Aids to Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

In today's fast-paced world, getting a restful night's sleep can sometimes feel like an elusive dream. Tossing and turning, staring at the ceiling and feeling exhausted the next day are all too common for many individuals. In this blog, we explore five natural sleep aids that can help you achieve a better quality of sleep.

Lainey Townsend


Whey Protein vs Plant-Based Protein

We delve into the whey protein vs. plant-based protein showdown, exploring their benefits, differences and which option might be the right fit for you.

Lainey Townsend


The Seven Forms of Rest and Why You Need All of Them

Whether you view rest as a political movement, scarce commodity, or something you rarely think about, one thing is probably true: you could use a little more of it and more than one type of it. Rest and sleep are two entirely different things. Sleep is one form of rest (physical) but there are six more!

Lainey Townsend


Get to Know Your Borborygmi: Your Symphony of Stomach Sounds and What They Mean

Some people’s tummies gurgle in the morning or after a meal. Others growl when it’s time to eat. You may have a specific rumble or burble to let you know it’s almost time to skip to the loo. For the most part, the symphony of sounds within our digestive system is nothing to worry about – just part of the business of being human.

Lainey Townsend


How to Protect Your Skin This Summer

The summer season is filled with warm weather, days by the pool and increased sun exposure. Protecting your skin while enjoying time outdoors will allow you to enjoy the sun while also keeping your skin healthy.

Lainey Townsend


Are Low Carb Diets Healthy?

Finding a diet that works best for your body can involve trial and error, but once you find a diet that does work well for your body and your lifestyle, staying in peak physical health becomes much easier. We explain what a low-carb diet entails, who it might be good for and who it might not work well for.

Lainey Townsend


Can Cherries Help You Get a Better Night's Sleep?

Cherries contain melatonin, plus nice amounts of magnesium and vitamins A and C. Tart cherries also contain a little bit of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps in the production of serotonin and melatonin.

Lainey Townsend


Why Couples Gain Weight and How to Reverse it

Maybe you’re approaching a milestone anniversary and as you take stock of your beautiful relationship and flip back through old pictures, you notice something. Ten or fifteen somethings parked right around your middle. And you’re not the only one. Your sweetie looks a little less svelte than when you met. How did this happen? Can it be reversed?

Lainey Townsend


What is Dealcoholized Wine?

Whether you’re sober curious or just taking a more mindful approach to your relationship with alcohol, dealcoholized wine is an option you might want to check out. A wide variety of dealcoholized wines of every style is available online and in stores. This blog will dive into what dealcoholized wine is and what you should know about it.

Lainey Townsend


The Benefits of Mindful Yoga

Mindful yoga, also known as mindfulness-based yoga, is a practice that combines the physical and mental benefits of yoga with the mindfulness techniques of meditation. The practice involves focusing on the present moment and becoming aware of one's thoughts, feelings and sensations without judgment.

Lainey Townsend


Olive Oil in Coffee: Is This a Combination Worth Trying?

Guess what? Coffee with olive oil in it is a trend right now. Why combine coffee and olive oil? Because they’re two very healthy foods. We explain what you should know about adding olive oil to your coffee.

Lainey Townsend


MRT Test: Can a Blood Draw Discover Food Sensitivities?

The last thing you want to experience when enjoying your favorite food is to experience mild allergic-type reactions hours later – itching, flushed skin, brain fog, sneezing or headaches. For some people, though, these symptoms can occur as part of a food sensitivity.

Lainey Townsend


Why Waist Size Matters

Shrink your waist size to boost health. Reducing abdominal fat can lower risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. Discover more about the impact of waist weight.

Lainey Townsend


How to Prevent Kidney Disease

While some people are born with these conditions, there are many lifestyle and behavioral risk factors that can increase your risk of developing kidney disease.

Lainey Townsend


What Is Kelp and How Can You Add it to Your Diet?

Many types of seaweed, such as kelp, are edible and have been referred to as superfoods of the ocean due to their beneficial nutrients. This blog will help educate you on kelp and teach you how to add it to the foods you cook at home.

Lainey Townsend


Can You Eat Too Clean?

Eating clean is eating well. Until it isn’t. Almost any healthy habit can become unhealthy when taken to an extreme, and clean eating is no exception. Orthorexia nervosa is the term for being focused on clean eating in an unhealthy way.

Lainey Townsend


Why Does my Head Hurt When I Cough?

While cough headaches are uncommon, they can still pose problems and even be a sign of more severe health conditions. This blog will explain what cough headaches are, how to spot them and how you can treat them.

Lainey Townsend


Cordyceps Mushrooms: A Superfood?

There are more than 600 species of Cordyceps mushrooms. We explain what they are, ways to consume them and their purported health benefits.

Lainey Townsend


Top Health Food Trends to Try in 2023

Check out our list of 13 health food trends in 2023 to keep an eye out for.

Lainey Townsend


Why Can't I Lose Weight?

We explain how weight loss works and cover some of the most common reasons why people can’t lose weight no matter what they do.

Lainey Townsend


Can Onion Water Cure Colds or Flu?

Onion water has been said to have many different benefits. Is it really the home remedy social media claims? We explain what you need to know.

Lainey Townsend


Ways to Turn Negative Thoughts Around…Or at Least Manage Them

We are not suggesting that your thoughts need to be positive all the time, nor is that a healthy goal to set. This is about managing negative thoughts when they become disruptive, intrusive or otherwise get out of hand. We aren’t necessarily interested in flipping them from gloom and doom to sunshine and roses, but we are interested in aiming for a more neutral or realistic perspective.

Lainey Townsend


Food Choices That Impact Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common diseases Americans live with. The latest figures show about 11 percent of the population has type 2 diabetes and an additional 96 million American adults have prediabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. While there isn’t a magic food to prevent diabetes, eating the right combination of healthy carbohydrates, fats and proteins can help you in the long run.

Lainey Townsend


Benefits of an Anti-inflammatory Diet

Diet and exercise are terrific tools for managing chronic inflammation. While you may not be able to prevent chronic inflammation through diet and exercise alone, you can certainly choose foods that inhibit your body’s inflammatory response. You can also make inflammation worse by eating certain foods.

Lainey Townsend


If Change is the Only Constant, Why Don’t I Like it More?

Coping with change – even change you really want or know is a good thing – is hard. Change you don’t want – losing a job, going through a divorce or experiencing the effects of a serious illness, for example – can be even harder to deal with. The good news is that in either case, the mechanics of change (and our reactions to those mechanics) follow the same pattern, so we’ve put together handy dandy guide to understanding and weathering changes large and small.

Lainey Townsend


How to Get Rid of a UTI

Urinary tract infections are common among women, so common that many think they can treat them at home and go about their day. But are at-home treatments enough or do antibiotics provide the best remedy? This blog will explore why it’s important to treat UTIs early, which bacteria causes UTIs and which antibiotics may be prescribed to treat an infection.

Lainey Townsend


Worry and Anxiety: Ways to Tell Them Apart

You know the drill. There’s something on your mind and you can’t quite shake it. Maybe it’s the middle of the night and you’re thinking about your grocery list or mentally planning a work project. Maybe it feels like you’re watching a video clip on a loop that you can’t turn off, imagining something going horribly wrong. Are you worried? Anxious? Both? The difference between worry and anxiety can be challenging to parse, but once you can tell them apart, they’re easier to deal with.

Lainey Townsend


Is Alcohol a Depressant?

The word depressant may be the last thing you’d think of when describing a glass of wine you’re having with dinner or a pint of beer you’re drinking with friends. That’s mainly because people associate alcohol with social settings and its ability to make you feel good. The truth is, alcohol is actually a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. We will explain why alcohol falls under this category and how it can impact your physical and mental health.

Lainey Townsend


Are Meat Sweats Real?

Meat sweats is an unofficial phrase used to describe excessive perspiration when eating large quantities of any high-protein food – not just meat. Most often, meat sweats describe fatty foods such as steaks or barbecued meats.

Lainey Townsend


How to Ease Post-Workout Muscle Soreness

Regular exercise brings with it many benefits, but with them can come muscle soreness. When we try a new exercise, work out a little harder than usual or restart a workout routine after a bit of time off, our muscles will ache. Here’s a roundup of reasons for soreness, home treatments and remedies.

Lainey Townsend


Does Tryptophan Make You Sleep?

There is a longstanding myth that this fatigue, drowsiness and overall lethargy can only be the culprit of one thing – the turkey. For years, tryptophan, an amino acid in turkey, garnered headlines in the media for making you sleepy. However, there is another more plausible explanation that helps give context to this common occurrence around the holidays.

Lainey Townsend


Eleven Reasons You Always Feel Hungry

Feelings and physical sensations that come with true (physical) hunger are low energy, an empty-feeling stomach and even fatigue. The longer it’s been since you last ate, the more noticeable the sensations will be.

Lainey Townsend


How to Get Screened for Depression

Major depressive disorder affects 17 percent of people in America. Because so many adults, children and pregnant women will experience depression during their lifetime, it’s important to have screenings available for earlier diagnosis. This blog will highlight some of the more common screenings that can help you stay on top of your mental health.

Lainey Townsend


Avoid Illness Like Colds, Flu and COVID with these Commonsense Tips

Colds and flu (and COVID) flourish in cooler weather, not because they prefer lower temps, but because they are spread via droplets in the air, which is much more easily done when people are closer to one another indoors.



High-protein cereals: A Healthier Breakfast Alternative?

Instead of turning to eggs and other processed meats for protein sources at breakfast, some consumers have ventured into the world of high-protein cereals as an alternative. This blog will explore this growing market and expand on the possible health benefits.

Lainey Townsend


Is Diarrhea a Symptom of COVID?

The presence of a fever, sore throat, persistent cough and body aches are what most people think of when attempting to decipher if they have COVID-19 or not. Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea, are usually an afterthought. If you find yourself on the toilet, instead of assuming it’s due to food poisoning or a stomach bug, should COVID cross your mind? This blog will dive deeper into the relationship between the coronavirus and diarrhea.

Lainey Townsend


5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

As the cooler months are approaching, your chances of getting sick increase. Luckily, there are several different ways you can support your immune system to get ahead of fall and winter time sicknesses. We share 5 ways you can boost your immune system.

Lainey Townsend


What Normal Aging Looks Like

As much as you’d like it to be the case, what you look like and how you feel at 20 years old certainly won’t be the same as when you’re 70 years old. From the day you’re born, your body undergoes a series of complex changes that eventually peak. From there, a slow process known as aging begins. From your physical appearance to how well your brain, heart and lungs function, these inevitable changes will ultimately affect each person at some point in their life.

Lainey Townsend


Is Non-Alcoholic Beer Better For You?

The non-alcoholic beer movement is well underway. Sure, you’ve probably noticed six-packs labeled “non-alcoholic” out of the corner of your eyes at stores for the past few decades. As the taste has drastically improved, one question remains – is non-alcoholic beer healthier and better for you? We sought out some answers.

Lainey Townsend


Ten Healthy Foods to Eat Right Now

As we enter the fall and winter months, there are lots of things to look forward to: Sweater weather, holidays, football, chilly mornings and cozy evenings. It’s also a great time to revamp your diet according to the season. Soups and hearty stews, while not very appealing during Oklahoma summers, are perfect for cooler temps. Done right, they can be warming, tasty and packed full of nutrients.

Lainey Townsend


How to Add Prebiotics and Probiotics to Your Diet

While some bacteria are harmful, it’s easy to forget your body is full of good bacteria that helps carry out several important functions. Maintaining a balance between good and bad bacteria is key, and eating foods with prebiotics and probiotics is one way to achieve this.

Lainey Townsend

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