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How to Protect Your Skin This Summer

The summer season is filled with warm weather, days by the pool and increased sun exposure. Protecting your skin while enjoying time outdoors will allow you to enjoy the sun while also keeping your skin healthy. Here are some tips to help you protect your skin this summer.

Wear your sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen every day is one of the best things you can do for your skin this summer. Even if you’re not spending the day at the beach or in the pool, putting on sunscreen every morning this summer will help you protect your skin from the damaging UV rays of the sun. If you tan easily, you may be tempted to skip the sunscreen, but shielding your skin from the sun will help you prevent long-term damage. A few years down the line, you’ll thank your past self for being dedicated to sunscreen use. Not only will sunscreen help you avoid sunburn and skin cancer, but you’ll avoid premature wrinkles, dark spots and other visual signs of sun damage.

Put on a hat

If you’re going to be spending time outside, wearing a hat can help protect your scalp, ears and face from the sun. The best hats to wear are the kind that has a wide brim because they give you the maximum amount of coverage from the sun. Whether you’re going hiking, kayaking, or for a picnic in the park, bringing your trusty hat with you will be of huge benefit for the delicate skin on your face. 

Avoid tanning beds

Summertime comes with showing more skin. No one wants to wear full-length pants and a turtleneck when it’s 80 degrees outside. When the shorts and tank tops come out, so does our want to get a nice tan. Aesthetic effects aside, exposing your bare skin to UV rays can cause your skin painful and permanent damage. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, indoor tanning causes a 75% increased risk of developing life-threatening melanoma from just one indoor tanning session before age 35. Staying away from tanning beds and opting for sunless-tanning methods as an alternative will keep your skin healthier and happier. 

Be cautious of the sun during certain hours

As we know, getting too much exposure to UV rays is dangerous for our skin. The United States Environmental Protection Agency states that “nearly half of UV radiation is received between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun’s rays are the strongest.” If you’re planning on being outside within this time frame, being extra prepared with your sun-protection methods is essential. Remember to apply sunscreen every two hours and wear a hat when at all possible. 

Contact INTEGRIS Health Today for any skin concerns you may have

INTEGRIS Health dermatologists are here to help you with any skin concerns you may have. Whether you are concerned about skin cancer or another skin condition, we can provide you with the care you need to diagnose and treat your symptoms. Talk to your provider about getting a dermatology appointment today.

For more health and wellness content, visit the INTEGRIS Health For You blog.


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