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Should You Add Collagen Powder to Your Routine?

19 October 2023

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Collagen is a health supplement that can help you have healthier hair, glowing skin and fewer wrinkles. It is associated with all of the above and has very few known risks. We share some ways collagen can help enhance your life.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a type of protein that the body produces that plays a key role in the function of the skin, bones, tendons and cartilage. Collagen is essential for connective tissue to do its job. Collagen makes up roughly a third of all the protein in your body and is a building block for body tissues. 

The Benefits Of a Collagen Supplement

If your body isn’t naturally creating enough collagen, taking a collagen supplement will amaze you with all of its benefits. Whether you’re interested in healthier hair, skin and nails, or you’re wanting more muscle mass, joint health and bone strength, collagen has a benefit for everyone. 

Silky Smooth Hair

Collagen supplements have been shown to increase the body’s hair-building proteins, which can help your hair grow longer and thicker. It can also help reduce the appearance of gray hairs, reduce dandruff and strengthen hair follicles.

Glowing Skin

Collagen production slows as we age which can result in sagging and dullness. Supplementing collagen will help keep your skin from premature aging symptoms. Even for younger adults, the added skin elasticity that comes with taking a collagen supplement will help speed up your skin's healing process which will help fade acne scars. 

Stronger Nails

Collagen helps your nails grow longer and stronger while eliminating brittleness. By feeding the nail beds, collagen is helping create the best environment for your nails to thrive. If your nails are constantly breaking, chipping, peeling, or have ridges in them, collagen can help get rid of these issues. 

More Muscle Mass

In addition to regular strength training, collagen can help increase your lean muscle mass. With collagen being the most common protein in your body, it’s no wonder that supplementing it will help you get the most out of your gym sessions. 

Having enough muscle mass on your frame is key to a high-quality life. If you're struggling to put on muscle, it may be worth trying a collagen supplement. 

Erase Joint Pain

Collagen is a building block for the connective tissues in the body. If your body is low on collagen, you may experience uncomfortable joint pain. It has been shown that collagen supplements can positively affect your joints by building up the tissue, which will lower the amount of pain you experience. 

Strengthen Bones

Since collagen makes up a large percentage of the structure of your bones, maintaining optimal levels of collagen will help with bone strength. When someone has very low collagen, they will be more prone to broken bones and are significantly more likely to develop osteoporosis. 


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