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How to Ease Desk Job Pain

09 October 2023

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Those who work desk jobs are all too familiar with the sore necks, achy lower backs and strained eyes that come with sitting at a desk for extended amounts of time. Chronic pain from desk jobs doesn’t only impact your physical health, but can lead to depression and anxiety for many Americans.

Chronic pain can snowball into more intense problems down the road, so managing desk pain will help you keep your body healthy for as long as possible. The most common desk job injuries include back pain, carpal tunnel and arm pain, headaches, shoulder and neck pain, hip and leg pain. We detail several different ways that you can help prevent desk pain in the future.

Invest in an Ergonomic Desk Chair

Ergonomics refers to the productivity of someone in their work environment. Productivity and comfortability go hand in hand. Investing in an ergonomic desk chair can help prevent bad posture which can lead to the typical desk job pain that so many Americans experience. Ergonomic desk chairs are specifically designed to help you sit comfortably for long periods. Typically, an ergonomic desk chair is full length from your seat to your shoulders and is curved in such a way as to match the natural curve of your back. This added back support will help alleviate lower back pain.

Consider an Adjustable desk

Adjustable desks will help eliminate neck and shoulder pain. When our computers are situated below eye level, we have to hunch our shoulders and crane our necks to focus on what we are working on. Adjustable desks allow you to bring your computer to eye level and this will significantly reduce the strain that you put on your neck and shoulders while you’re working. An adjustable desk paired with an ergonomic desk chair is a match made in heaven. Anything you can do to reduce the strain you are putting on your body while working will reduce the chronic pain you are experiencing and will reinforce a positive working experience.

Take Breaks

Taking a break is not only good for your mental health but also great for your physical health. Taking moments throughout the day to stretch and walk around your office is going to be highly beneficial for reducing pain. The longer you keep your body in a strained position, the more pain you are likely to experience. When you remove yourself from a strained position and incorporate some more movement, you will reduce the amount of pain you experience. Make it a priority to take some breaks throughout your workday. Not only will it help with pain, but taking breaks has been shown to improve your productivity. It’s a win-win situation.

Talk to an INTEGRIS Health Provider About Chronic Pain

If you are experiencing chronic pain, speaking with a healthcare professional can be a helpful resource for you to reduce the pain that you are experiencing. Here at INTEGRIS Health, we are dedicated to providing you with services that will help you live a pain-free life. If you are interested in speaking with one of our providers, contact an INTEGRIS Health provider today. 


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