On Your Health

Check back to the INTEGRIS On Your Health blog for the latest health and wellness news for all Oklahomans.

Today is National Mammography Day

All this week we've been highlighting Oklahoma survivors of breast cancer, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The common thread linking their stories? They all got mammograms that caught their breast cancer in the early stages. Remember, breast cancer is 98 percent survivable if it's caught early. Getting a yearly mammogram is your best chance of doing that. Mammography is a procedure that uses low-energy X-rays to view and detect changes in breast tissue. This animation shows normal female breast anatomy and how a mammogram is done. Although there are differing guidelines on when to begin getting yearly mammograms, both INTEGRIS and the Mayo Clinic recommend starting at the age of 40. So please, won't you schedule your yearly mammogram today? It's a quick 20 minutes that can save your life. Also, check out our Facebook Live videos. Today Alisa Pope from Susan G. Komen invited us along to see what it's like to get a mammogram.  Here is an introduction video and here is Alisa's mammogram.