Heart Surgery

Since we stay at the forefront of science and technology, you can often get maximally successful results with the latest in minimally invasive robotic or laparoscopic surgeries and procedures.

Learn how a 50 Heart Scan could save your life.

The Heartland's best heart care.

We’re With You

Whether you’re facing heart failure, recovering from a cardiac event or you’re just being proactive about your heart’s health, INTEGRIS Health is with you. The INTEGRIS Health Heart Hospital is Oklahoma’s largest and most comprehensive heart hospital; it’s your gateway to everything from cutting-edge heart scan capabilities and diagnostics to cardiac catheterization, open heart surgery, ventricular assist devices and heart transplantation.

Our cardiologists and specialists have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating a wide variety of cardiac conditions, and since we stay at the forefront of science and technology, you can often get maximally successful results with the latest in minimally invasive robotic or laparoscopic surgeries and procedures.

Heart Surgeries

Coronary Artery Bypass

Your coronary arteries supply blood to your heart muscle. When they become blocked or narrowed due to atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease, coronary artery bypass graft surgery or bypass surgery is a surgical treatment used to restore blood flow to your heart. Also referred to as CABG (pronounced cabbage) this is done by using a section of a vein from the leg, or arteries from the chest to go around (bypass) the diseased section of a coronary artery. The healthy new vein or artery creates a new route for blood to flow to the heart muscle, giving it oxygen-rich blood.

As part of your ongoing recovery, we might recommend cardiac rehab programs through the YMCA Health Living Center - INTEGRIS Health.

Click here for more information on bypass surgery.

Heart Transplant

Oklahoma's first heart transplant was performed at INTEGRIS Health Baptist Medical Center in 1985. Today, heart transplants are done on a regular basis at INTEGRIS Nazih Zuhdi Transplant Institute, Oklahoma's largest and only comprehensive transplant program. The center ranks among the top comprehensive programs in the nation for survival rates, according to data gathered by the United Network for Organ Sharing. A heart transplant is a procedure in which a diseased heart is removed and replaced with a donor heart. A heart transplant is considered when heart failure is so severe that it can no longer meet even the smallest pumping demands and all other therapies, including medications and mechanical devices to assist the heart, have failed. At this point, transplantation becomes the only option.

Artificial Heart/Ventricular Assist Device

When your heart is injured or weakened by a heart attack or advanced heart failure, it can be difficult – or nearly impossible – to allow it enough rest to heal. It also may be so damaged that a transplant is necessary. That’s where VADs (ventricular assist devices) come in. VADs are blood pumps that take over some or all of your heart's function. This can allow your heart time to heal, or to help you live a more complete, normal and active life while you wait for a heart transplant. INTEGRIS Health has Oklahoma’s only ventricular assist device program at INTEGRIS Advanced Cardiac Care.

INTEGRIS Heart Hospital

The INTEGRIS Heart Hospital is the largest and most comprehensive Oklahoma heart hospital.

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