The Heart of a Healthier Oklahoma

Bypass Surgery Overview

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery, commonly referred to as cabbage, or bypass surgery is a surgical treatment for blocked coronary (heart) arteries. The surgery involves using a section of a vein from the leg, or arteries from the chest to bypass a diseased section of a coronary artery. The healthy new vein or artery creates a new route for blood to flow to the heart muscle giving it oxygen-rich blood.

During bypass surgery, the chest is opened (referred to as open-chest surgery). The heart is stopped allowing the surgeons to perform the bypass on the heart while you are placed on a heart-lung machine. This machine temporarily sustains life as it circulates the vital blood and oxygen to all parts of the body.

Surgeons may perform a single bypass, double bypass, triple bypass or quadruple bypass depending on the number of blocked coronary arteries.

After surgery at INTEGRIS Heart Hospital, patients go to an intensive coronary care unit before being moved to an intermediate unit. Before discharge, the patient will learn about medication regimens, diet, wound care and activity instructions. As part of an on-going care regimen, patients may be directed to participate in cardiac rehab programs through the YMCA Health Living Center - INTEGRIS Health.