On Your Health

Check back to the INTEGRIS On Your Health blog for the latest health and wellness news for all Oklahomans.


Why Can't I Lose Weight?

We explain how weight loss works and cover some of the most common reasons why people can’t lose weight no matter what they do.

Lainey Townsend


High-protein cereals: A Healthier Breakfast Alternative?

Instead of turning to eggs and other processed meats for protein sources at breakfast, some consumers have ventured into the world of high-protein cereals as an alternative. This blog will explore this growing market and expand on the possible health benefits.

Lainey Townsend


Do You Need a Digital Detox?

Technology has improved our lives in many ways. But like anything in life, too much can sometimes lead to harm. Have you ever thought about trying a digital detox to give your mind and body a rest? It can be just as beneficial as eating your daily vegetables.



The Stress-Digestion Connection

Have you ever lost your appetite before a big presentation or event? Our emotional brains and our physical bodies communicate constantly and what happens to one certainly affects the other. It's called the gut-brain connection, and it’s very real. We explain what you should know.

Lainey Townsend


Does Fatherhood Actually Change Men’s Bodies?

The mental and physical time commitment of caring for a child often leads to less energy to give in other areas of your life, such as diet and exercise. What does the research say? We take a look at if there is data behind the idea that fatherhood can make you gain weight.

Lainey Townsend


Why Am I Peeing So Much?

We explore common causes of frequent urination, how certain medications increase your trips to the bathroom and what you can do to limit frequent urination at night.

Lainey Townsend


Reading Books is Good for Your Mental Health

When your mind gets absorbed in a good book, experts say it only takes six minutes for your body to begin to relax. In fact, when reading was tested against many traditional forms of relaxation, it reduced stress by 68 percent and was the highest ranked method among those tested.



Learn to Quash the Negative Self-Talk: It May Be Harming Your Health

Your self-talk is shaped by your beliefs, experiences and the situations of your daily life. It can be positive, neutral or negative. We share the different types of negative self-talk and tips to help turn it around.

Lainey Townsend


What is Self-Esteem and How Can We Improve it?

Self-image is what you think other people think of you, and also how you want other people to think of you. Self-esteem is what you think of you. How do the two work together? What should you do if they don’t align, or if they’re too low or too high?

Lainey Townsend


Catching Cancer Early

One of the first and most pressing questions cancer patients want to know after their initial diagnosis is which stage the cancer is at. The answer to this question can often be the difference between a positive prognosis and an uphill battle full of hurdles. We’re here to walk you through why cancer staging matters, how cancers are classified by stage and how the staging process works.

Lainey Townsend

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