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How Does Screen Time Affect Your Sleep?

14 December 2023

In today's digital age, we are more connected than ever, with screens infiltrating every aspect of our lives. From smartphones and tablets to laptops and televisions, these electronic devices offer a world of information and entertainment at our fingertips. However, there's a downside to this constant connectivity: it can significantly impact your sleep. 

We delve into how screen time affects your sleep and explore the various ways in which digital devices can influence your sleep patterns and overall sleep quality. We also provide practical tips to help you minimize the negative effects of screen time on your sleep.

The Sleep-Disrupting Effects of Screen Time

The pervasive use of electronic devices, such as cell phones and e-readers, often within arm's reach at all hours, raises a critical question: How does screen time affect your sleep? The answer lies in understanding the role of screens in delaying and disrupting sleep patterns. Here are some of the ways in which screens can interfere with your sleep:

Blue Light Emission

Most digital screens emit blue light, which can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. Exposure to this short-wavelength light, especially in the evening, can make it more challenging to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Increased Mind Activation

Engaging with screens, whether through social media, video games, or apps, can be mentally stimulating. The content we consume can trigger emotions, thoughts, or even anxiety that keeps our minds active, making it difficult to unwind and prepare for sleep.

Delayed Bedtime

The allure of screens often leads to bedtime procrastination. Many individuals, including adolescents, find themselves scrolling through social media or watching "just one more" episode of their favorite show, leading to delayed bedtime and reduced hours of sleep.

Altered Circadian Rhythm

Our internal body clock, or circadian rhythm, relies on natural cues like daylight and darkness to regulate sleep. Exposure to screens, especially late at night, can confuse this internal clock, leading to difficulty falling asleep and experiencing a full night's rest.

Sleep Disruption

Screens, primarily through the use of smartphones and mobile phones, can interrupt sleep through notifications, text messages and calls. These interruptions can lead to fragmented sleep and can make it challenging to reach deeper, more restorative sleep stages.

The Impact on Sleep Quality

When pondering the question, "How does screen time affect your sleep?" It's important to acknowledge that the negative repercussions extend beyond just sleep duration. Screen use can significantly impact the quality of your sleep. Here's how:

Reduced Slow-Wave Sleep

Slow-wave sleep, or deep sleep, is crucial for physical and mental restoration. The disruptive influence of screens, particularly through blue light exposure, can reduce the amount of deep sleep you get, leaving you feeling less refreshed upon waking.

REM Sleep Interruption

Screens can disrupt rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a stage associated with vivid dreaming and cognitive processing. Sleep disorders and sleep disturbances from screens can lead to less REM sleep, impacting memory and cognitive function.

Fragmented Sleep

As previously mentioned, the interruptions from screens can lead to fragmented sleep, causing you to wake multiple times during the night, resulting in poor sleep quality.

Increased Sleep Latency

Sleep latency refers to the time it takes to fall asleep after getting into bed. The mental stimulation from screens can increase sleep latency, making it harder to transition from wakefulness to sleep.

Morning Grogginess

Prolonged screen time can encourage you to stay up later than intended, leading to a decrease in total sleep time. When combined with the disruption of your sleep schedule, this can result in morning grogginess and difficulties waking up.

The Link to Pediatrics and Obesity

Pediatrics has shown that excessive screen time, especially in adolescents, is associated with an increased risk of obesity, largely due to disrupted sleep patterns and poor sleep quality. The combination of screen time and sleep deprivation can contribute to unhealthy lifestyle choices, including unhealthy eating habits and reduced physical activity.

Minimizing the Negative Effects of Screen Time on Sleep

The adverse effects of screen time on sleep are concerning, but there are several strategies you can employ to mitigate these impacts and enjoy a better night's rest. Here are some practical tips:

Establish a Screen Curfew

Set a specific time at which you will stop using screens. This curfew should ideally be at least an hour before bedtime to allow your brain to wind down.

Night Mode and Blue Light Filters

Many devices now offer night mode settings or blue light filters. Enable these features to reduce blue light exposure during the evening.

Avoid Stimulating Content

Steer clear of emotionally or mentally stimulating content before bed. Avoid engaging with intense news stories, thrilling movies, or heated debates close to bedtime.

Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Establish a calming bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to sleep. Reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques can all be part of this routine.

Keep Screens out of the Bedroom

Designate your bedroom as a screen-free zone. Avoid bringing laptops, tablets, or smartphones to bed to create an environment focused on better sleep.

Notifications and Disturbance Settings

Adjust your notification settings to reduce disruptions during sleep. Consider enabling "Do Not Disturb" modes or silencing non-essential notifications.

Exposure to Natural Light

Expose yourself to natural light during the day, as it helps regulate your circadian rhythm. Spend time outdoors and let your body experience natural daylight.

Wind Down Your Mind

If you find it hard to relax after screen time, practice mindfulness, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. These techniques can help calm your mind and prepare you for a good night's sleep.

Evaluate and Adjust

Regularly evaluate your sleep patterns and screen time habits. If you're experiencing sleep problems, be willing to adjust your screen time activities and bedtime routines to improve your sleep.


With mindful adjustments to your screen time habits and bedtime routines, you can significantly improve your sleep and overall well-being. Prioritize your sleep health, and you'll find yourself more alert, refreshed and better equipped to face the challenges of each new day. Sleep disorders and sleep medicine play crucial roles in maintaining overall health, so adopting healthy sleep habits and sleep hygiene is paramount in the digital age.


If you find yourself struggling to fall or stay asleep, visit the INTEGRIS Health Sleep Disorders Center of Oklahoma page to learn more. For more health and wellness content, visit the INTEGRIS Health For You blog

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