On Your Health

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Cancer Survivors, Take Time for Thanksgiving and Share Your Stories

24 November 2015

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Today we have a special guest post from Kellye Elliott, business development manager at INTEGRIS Cancer Institute.
Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year. It’s the last moment I get to catch my breath before the extremely busy holiday season begins.  I love cozy get-togethers with family and friends. Each year during the holiday, I try to take the time to reflect on the many things for which I am thankful, and to share my gratitude with my loved ones. Since Thanksgiving is such a special time of year, and since cancer survivors are such special people, we would like to turn over today’s I On Your Health to cancer survivors so that they can share what they are thankful for this year. For instance, you may be thankful for the inner strength you never knew you had. No doubt, some of you are thankful for family members and friends who have been there for you through this journey. Whatever you are thankful for, let us know. I am constantly amazed by the way cancer survivors show increased appreciation for the little things that perhaps they never noticed before their cancer diagnosis. We want to give cancer survivors an opportunity to express gratitude here all this week. You can use this occasion to reflect on how far you have come, whether you are a new or seasoned survivor. While you plan to celebrate the holidays this year, think about and rejoice in the little things that mean so much -- like family traditions, giving to local charities, the physical beauty that surrounds you, or the simple joy in sharing a meal with family and friends. Giving thanks and giving back to others just may help improve your emotional and spiritual well-being and may increase the levels of comfort and support you feel. I certainly hope so. Please share your stories by posting a comment here on the blog, or else share your story here on our Facebook page. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Kellye Elliott, MS, CCC-SLP, has been with INTEGRIS since 2008. She began her career as a speech language pathologist in 1991. Prior to her position at the INTEGRIS Cancer Institute, Kellye worked at INTEGRIS as a clinic manager and in marketing and sales.