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Help Manage Holiday Depression

17 November 2014

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For many, the holidays are a time of joy and happiness, but for some, the stress can bring increased feelings of depression and sadness. Sara Barry, a licensed behavioral practitioner for INTEGRIS, gives tips on how to identify, manage and cope with holiday depression.

The temperatures are dropping and so are the leaves. With Thanksgiving and the winter holidays right around the corner, we know its the time of year to start making plans to reunite with friends and family. While the holiday season can be a very happy time, it can also be very stressful. This stress can be further compounded when a family member is struggling with a mental health or addiction problem.

The behaviors and mood of a depressed person can have a huge impact on family members. The irritability and negative thought patterns that often accompany depression can set off conflicts and disrupt family dynamics.

You might think a member of your family may be suffering from depression even before he or she does. People in the throws of depression sometimes don't recognize the symptoms, or they may be embarrassed about it or think that the situation is hopeless.

Some signs and symptoms of depression include loss of interest and pleasure in normal daily activities, feelings of sadness, hopelessness or crying spells, sleep disturbances, impaired thinking or concentration, and fatigue.

This November, urge your loved ones to take advantage of free anonymous online mental health self-assessments for depression, anxiety and alcohol problems, as well as some of the other most common mental health conditions. Visit INTEGRIS Mental Health to complete a simple online questionnaire. You'll receive immediate customized feedback, as well as the opportunity to schedule an appointment for further evaluation if necessary.