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Phobias Are Common, But Treatable

16 May 2014

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Maybe you’ve had sweaty palms before a first date. Or, you’ve stayed awake worrying all night before a big meeting. Most of us worry or get nervous every now and then. For people with anxiety disorders, these feelings occur all too often, and they may be overwhelming.

Anxiety disorders are real, serious, and treatable.

Anxiety disorders also are quite common. About 40 million American adults have an anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, many people suffer in silence.

Anxiety disorders can take several forms. Two of the more common forms are specific phobias and social phobias.

Specific phobias

People with this type of anxiety disorder have an intense fear of something that poses little or no real threat. They begin to dread the feared object or situation, and they may go to great lengths to avoid it altogether. When a phobia causes you distress or interferes with your life, it may require treatment.

Specific phobias often begin with an upsetting event during childhood or adolescence. For instance, a boy who is bitten by a dog may come to fear all dogs. As a result, he may give up some of his favorite activities, such as meeting his friends at the park, for fear that he may run into a dog. Other common phobias include fear of heights, flying, insects or snakes, water, and closed-in places.

Social phobias

People with social phobia are extremely afraid of being watched and judged by others. They also worry constantly about embarrassing themselves. Even after realizing their fear is excessive, they feel powerless to control it. Social phobia usually starts early in life, and it may continue well into adulthood.

Many people are anxious about public speaking, meeting new people, or even eating in front of others. For someone with social phobia, these types of situations may trigger extreme fear. There may be physical symptoms, such as blushing, a racing heartbeat or sweating, which may lead to even more anxiety and ultimately a panic attack. In turn, people with social phobia may take great pains to avoid such situations in the future. By doing so, the cycle escalates and they may become even more afraid the next time they face these situations, as well as more isolated from society.


If you think you may have an anxiety disorder, such as a phobia, it’s important to talk with your health care provider or a mental health professional. With treatment, many people overcome their anxiety. Without it, anxiety may worsen. Treatment usually involves psychotherapy, medication, or both.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that aims to replace unwanted thought and behavior patterns with more desirable ones. For example, if you have social phobia, a therapist may help you understand that everyone isn’t watching and judging you. Or, if you have a specific phobia, a counselor may gradually expose you to the thing you fear until you’re no longer afraid. This is referred to as exposure therapy or desensitization.

Take a fear of spiders. You may start by looking at pictures of all kinds of spiders. Then, you may get closer and closer to a spider in a jar. Finally, you may touch a harmless spider.

Several types of medications are available to treat different kinds of anxiety. Antidepressants may help people with social phobia. Often, a combination of therapy and medication may provide the most relief from your anxiety.

Strategies for success

If you’re diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, these tips may help you make the most of treatment:

  • Be patient. Don’t expect to overcome deep-seated anxiety overnight. Instead, aim for gradual, steady progress.
  • If your therapist assigns “homework,” be sure to do it. You may find that, with practice, new ways of thinking and reacting become second nature.
  • If your doctor prescribes medication, ask how long it will take for you to feel the full benefits. And, ask about possible side effects, including how long they may last.
  • Write about it. Keep a journal noting the things that make you anxious. You may become more aware of your triggers this way.
  • Learn relaxation techniques. Meditation and muscle-relaxation exercises may be particularly helpful in helping to control your anxiety.