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Holiday Parties can Hide Signs of Alcohol Abuse

15 December 2014

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Holiday parties are abundant at this time of year, but so is alcohol abuse. It may be hard to identify the warning signs of alcohol dependency with many people consuming alcoholic beverages at parties and gatherings. Sara Barry, a licensed behavioral practitioner for INTEGRIS, shares the signs to look for to help you identify alcohol abuse.

Hello, my name is Sara Barry and I am a licensed behavioral practitioner and the business and community development liaison for INTEGRIS Mental Health and the INTEGRIS James L. Hall Jr. Center for Mind, Body and Spirit, and I am going to be speaking to you today about alcohol abuse.

The holiday season is well underway, filling social calendars with family gatherings, gift swaps and work festivities. Holiday merry-makings are frequently jam-packed with delicious food choices, sweet treats and themed cocktails.

Along with the holiday season comes a little indulgence that individuals allow themselves. However, overdrinking can quickly lead to alcohol-related troubles for many of us.

Throughout the celebratory time of year, it can be difficult to recognize the warning signs of alcohol dependency due to its acceptance from peers at holiday parties.

If one finds they are feeling ashamed of their drinking habits or if personal relationships are changing due to alcohol consumption, INTEGRIS Mental Health is here to help. A healthier life begins with taking action.

If you find that you can't make it through the holiday season without drinking to excess, then take the first step to a better you. Fill out a free, anonymous online screening. It only takes a few minutes and it will help direct you to the help that you may need.

Visit our INTEGRIS Mental Health website at for free information and resources.



Holiday Parties

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