Mental Health & Psychiatry

We offer free mental health screenings as well as comprehensive services for people of virtually every age. Whatever you’re struggling with, we want to help you find the path back.

No feeling is final.

You Are Not Alone

Most people make it look like they’ve got everything under control. Life is a breeze and problems are few and far between. The truth is that’s usually an illusion. Life throws difficulties at all of us, almost all the time. It can get to be unbearable – even for those of us that many consider to be the strongest, most optimistic and seemingly invulnerable. And sometimes we can struggle even when life seems to be going fine.

It can take a number of forms. Maybe you start to lose interest and joy in the things you used to love. Maybe the idea of going to work, socializing or even leaving the house becomes terrifying. Or maybe you discover that you – or someone close to you – are drinking more and more and more. Maybe drugs enter the picture … Whatever it is, life begins to spin out of control.

The Path Back

These things happen, and there’s no use blaming yourself. Or anyone else for that matter. The best thing to do is to open up – talk to someone. That’s precisely what INTEGRIS Mental Health is here for. We’ve been where you are, we know what it’s like, and we also can show you the path out of it. We offer free mental health screenings as well as comprehensive services for people of virtually every age – from inpatient facilities where you can retreat and put yourself back together to counseling, psychiatry and support groups. Whatever you’re struggling with, we want to enter the struggle with you.

Mental Health Screening

Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.

The Art of Happy Living Podcast

INTEGRIS Health and Me

Conditions We Care For


What is Mental Illness?

Mental illness is a major health concern for many Oklahomans.
Connection Between Mental and Physical Health
How Stress Effects Health
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