On Your Health

Check back to the INTEGRIS On Your Health blog for the latest health and wellness news for all Oklahomans.


Caffeine While Breastfeeding: What Amount Is Safe?

Navigating the world of motherhood brings countless questions, and for many new moms, one of the pressing topics is about the consumption of caffeine while breastfeeding. As you savor your morning coffee, afternoon tea or soft drink, you might wonder how these beverages could affect your nursing journey.



How Breastfeeding Supports Safe Sleep in Babies

Whether you’re expecting your first bundle of joy or settling into the rhythm of new parenthood, creating a quiet, calm and safe sleep area for your baby is essential. But did you know breastfeeding can be incorporated into your safe sleep routine?



How Can Your Thyroid Affect Pregnancy?

We learn from Mitchell West, M.D., an obstetrician/gynecologist (OBGYN) specializing in women’s health at INTEGRIS Health Medical Group Women's Baptist in Oklahoma City, about why thyroid issues happen, what complexities can develop and how to treat these conditions.



Cervical Health: Do Pap Smears Hurt?

The words “pap smear” can be a cringe-worthy phrase for many women, especially young women who have yet to experience their first cervical cancer screening. While this test is an important part of women’s health that can mean catching precancerous cells and other abnormalities early, the uncertainty and personal barriers associated with a pap smear can leave many women scared or hesitant to schedule a visit with their OBGYN.

Lainey Townsend


Does Breastfeeding Make You Hungry?

Mothers who begin breastfeeding often experience a newfound sensation – the hunger for more food. Breastfeeding is hard work, and you can expect to burn several hundred more calories per day. But there are also other reasons why breastfeeding makes you hungry. Read more to find out why these changes occur and which foods to eat to replenish the lost calories.

Lainey Townsend


Postpartum Anxiety: What are the Symptoms and Treatment Options?

Postpartum anxiety describes anxiety – intense, excessive and persistent worry – that mothers or new parents experience in the first 12 months after the birth of their child. Many parents worry about their newborn, whether it’s health or development.

Lainey Townsend


What to Know About Yeast Infections During Pregnancy

Yeast infections, a type of fungal infection, are one of the more common ailments you can deal with during pregnancy. This blog will shed light on what causes these infections and how you can safely treat them without worrying about harming your baby.

Lainey Townsend


Foods That Fight Hot Flashes

This blog will explain the role of food and hot flashes and compile a list of foods to add to your diet.

Lainey Townsend


Winter Skincare Tips for Women Over 50

We’ve assembled some tried and true measures you can take right now to soothe and smooth throughout the colder months.

Lainey Townsend


Who Should Get Screened for Cervical Cancer?

This blog will share the latest cervical cancer screening recommendations and guidelines and explore what your test results mean.

Lainey Townsend


Why Can't I Lose Weight?

We explain how weight loss works and cover some of the most common reasons why people can’t lose weight no matter what they do.

Lainey Townsend


How to Get Rid of a UTI

Urinary tract infections are common among women, so common that many think they can treat them at home and go about their day. But are at-home treatments enough or do antibiotics provide the best remedy? This blog will explore why it’s important to treat UTIs early, which bacteria causes UTIs and which antibiotics may be prescribed to treat an infection.

Lainey Townsend


High-protein cereals: A Healthier Breakfast Alternative?

Instead of turning to eggs and other processed meats for protein sources at breakfast, some consumers have ventured into the world of high-protein cereals as an alternative. This blog will explore this growing market and expand on the possible health benefits.

Lainey Townsend


What Toxins Are In Your Beauty Products?

You may not think twice about the skin cream you rub on your face, the eyeliner you apply before work or the shampoo you lather up in your hair. These products, which seem relatively safe in theory, typically contain dozens of ingredients that are difficult to pronounce and even harder to spell. But just what are these chemicals, some of which can be considered toxins, and what do they mean for your health? We compiled a list of some of the most common ingredients and which products you can find them in.

Lainey Townsend


Perimenopause and You: What to Expect

Perimenopause is the stage between fertility and menopause. It marks the beginning of the end of your reproductive years. Perimenopause is also sometimes called the menopausal transition. We explain what perimenopause is and symptoms to look out for.

Lainey Townsend


Do You Need a Digital Detox?

Technology has improved our lives in many ways. But like anything in life, too much can sometimes lead to harm. Have you ever thought about trying a digital detox to give your mind and body a rest? It can be just as beneficial as eating your daily vegetables.



What Does it Mean to be High Risk for Breast Cancer?

To learn more about what high risk breast cancer means, we sought out information from Nicole Sharp Cottrell, M.D., a board-certified and fellowship-trained breast surgical oncologist at INTEGRIS Breast Surgery.

Lainey Townsend


Benefits and Uses of Petroleum Jelly

How often do you think about petroleum jelly? It’s very useful. It’s an effective moisturizer and works by serving as a physical barrier on the surface of the skin, trapping moisture. There are many uses for purified petroleum jelly. We share what you should know.

Lainey Townsend


The Stress-Digestion Connection

Have you ever lost your appetite before a big presentation or event? Our emotional brains and our physical bodies communicate constantly and what happens to one certainly affects the other. It's called the gut-brain connection, and it’s very real. We explain what you should know.

Lainey Townsend


How Does Body Image Affect Mental Health?

The next time you walk past a mirror, take a second to stop and look at yourself – what you see in the reflection is your body image. These thoughts and feelings can either be positive or negative. We will detail the four aspects of body image, how societal norms affect body image and highlight tips on how to keep a positive body image.

Lainey Townsend


Why Am I Peeing So Much?

We explore common causes of frequent urination, how certain medications increase your trips to the bathroom and what you can do to limit frequent urination at night.

Lainey Townsend


Reading Books is Good for Your Mental Health

When your mind gets absorbed in a good book, experts say it only takes six minutes for your body to begin to relax. In fact, when reading was tested against many traditional forms of relaxation, it reduced stress by 68 percent and was the highest ranked method among those tested.



Learn to Quash the Negative Self-Talk: It May Be Harming Your Health

Your self-talk is shaped by your beliefs, experiences and the situations of your daily life. It can be positive, neutral or negative. We share the different types of negative self-talk and tips to help turn it around.

Lainey Townsend


Living With Endometriosis

Living with endometriosis is more than just a painful menstrual cycle. This condition, which occurs in 10 percent of women, can impact your sex life, ability to have children and alter your day-to-day life. This blog will address how some simple dietary changes, along with certain medical treatments, can help you live a more enjoyable life with endometriosis.

Lainey Townsend


What is Self-Esteem and How Can We Improve it?

Self-image is what you think other people think of you, and also how you want other people to think of you. Self-esteem is what you think of you. How do the two work together? What should you do if they don’t align, or if they’re too low or too high?

Lainey Townsend


Catching Cancer Early

One of the first and most pressing questions cancer patients want to know after their initial diagnosis is which stage the cancer is at. The answer to this question can often be the difference between a positive prognosis and an uphill battle full of hurdles. We’re here to walk you through why cancer staging matters, how cancers are classified by stage and how the staging process works.

Lainey Townsend


Wellness Trend: Facial Yoga and Gua Sha Stones

A wellness trend based on this concept has sprung up in the past couple of years. It’s called facial yoga, a combination of massage therapy, acupressure, exercise and relaxation. This free, non-toxic, non-invasive technique stimulates muscles, tightens skin and eases tension.

Lainey Townsend


The Health Benefits of Walking

We discuss how walking can improve various aspects of your mental and physical health and how many steps per day you should take to experience benefits.



Timeline After Breast Cancer Diagnosis

This article is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of which factors play a role in your prognosis and what you should expect in the coming days, weeks and months following your diagnosis.



Foods That Give You Energy

A well-balanced meal can keep you fueled for as long as four hours, so another pro tip is to eat every four hours or so, to keep a steady flow of energy. What foods give you energy? We share 17 foods that will help keep you fueled.



Common Causes of Premature Aging

Premature aging can happen as a result of common lifestyle factors and behaviors, all of which can be corrected or altered. We’ll explain how premature aging can affect you and discuss some simple tips on how you can avoid it.



Natural Oils for Skin Care

The skin is one of the most important organs in the body, so, we explain which oils are good for your skin.



Chlorophyll: What is it? Is it Good For Your Health?

If eating green vegetables is good for you, then ingesting a condensed form of the substance that makes your greens green must be really good for you, right? Let's find out.



What Happens When You Neglect Your Health?

What’s the worst that could happen if you avoid the doctor’s office? Better yet, why do you even need a doctor if you’re not sick? The answer: many benign health problems can easily become an issue without proper oversight. We’re here to explore exactly what happens when you neglect your health and why you should prioritize regular checkups.



Eat for Hydration: 20 Water-packed Foods to Enjoy

Did you know, good hydration also helps with mood, sleep and cognition? Learn what foods you can eat to help with hydration.



How to Spot Depression in Loved Ones

One in five Americans is affected by mental illness. While common, it can sometimes be difficult to spot in loved ones. To mark Mental Health Awareness Month, we highlight the signs and symptoms of depression, what to look for in your loved ones and the steps you can take to help if a loved one is depressed.



What You Need to Know About Feminine Leakage

Dr. Dena O'Leary, an INTEGRIS Health urogynecologist, discusses female incontinence. It's highly treatable, although many women are too embarrassed to speak to their doctors about it.

Dena O'Leary, M.D.


What Causes Infertility in Women?

Conceiving a child is a complex physiological process. There are several intertwined parts that work together to produce a baby. To help highlight Fertility Awareness Week, we spoke to Andrea Partida, D.O., an OB-GYN at INTEGRIS Women’s Health Enid, to outline what causes infertility, how to manage infertility in women and how to cope with this difficult condition.



Preventive Health Care Appointments You Should Have Each Year

Preventive health care appointments are critical in helping detect and diagnose certain diseases, disorders and cancers.



What You Need to Know About In Vitro Fertilization

If you are struggling with infertility, you are not alone. About 12 percent of women in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. There are several services to help women get pregnant, including artificial insemination, embryo transfer, freezing of embryos or sperm, genetic testing and in vitro fertilization (IVF). To help clarify some of the options, we break down what you need to know about IVF.



Handling Peer Pressure as an Adult

Peer pressure doesn’t go away. What does go away are many of the excuses you could make as a teen or young adult. As an actual adult, there are fewer excuses, so what do you do? We share tips on dealing with adult peer pressure.



Common Orthopedic Injuries in Winter

To help keep you and your family safe this winter, David B. Parker, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center, provides information and insight into common orthopedic injuries during the colder months some tips on how to stay safe.



Collagen for Your Skin: Healthy or Hype?

The makers of collagen supplements and creams happily tout the amazing results their products promise us: plump, dewy, youthful skin, strong, smooth nails and hair and even healthier, stronger bones and joints. Can it be true, though? We’ll break down the basics of collagen.



My hair is thinning. What can I do?

A certain amount of hair loss is normal. Most of us lose 50 to 100 hairs each day, with new hairs taking their place quickly enough that we overlook the ones we've shed. The problems start when new hair doesn't replace the hair that has fallen out. We explain potential causes and provide tips to help combat hair loss.



Treatment for OCD

OCD Awareness Week is October 11-17. Most people experience obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors during their lives, but for a person suffering from OCD, those behaviors and the cycle of obsession and compulsions becomes so extreme that it disrupts normal life. Luckily, treatments are found to be helpful in treating this disorder.



What You Should Know About Dense Breast Tissue

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, here is what you need to know about dense breast tissue. While having dense breasts is normal, it does pose challenges in detecting breast cancer.



How To Talk To Your Doctor About Pain

Oftentimes patients find it difficult to grasp the right words to describe pain, or they worry they’ll unintentionally exaggerate it or minimize it through the words they use. Inaccurate descriptions can lead to misdiagnoses, misaligned treatments to manage the pain or an ailment going undiagnosed altogether. To arm you with the vernacular you need to describe pain during your next doctor’s visit, we put together a guide to help you and your physician see eye to eye on your pain level so you can get to work alleviating or managing it.



Different Types of Mental Health Providers

When you're struggling with your mental health, finding the treatment and practitioner right for you can be daunting, which is why we’ve broken down the different mental health professionals by their treatment processes and licensures.



What to Know About Birth and Breastfeeding During COVID

It's Breastfeeding Awareness Month, which is a good time to talk about navigating the birth of your baby and your options for breastfeeding during the pandemic.



Why Is Wearing a Mask So Important?

INTEGRIS Health supports three social interventions that have proven to slow the spread of the virus. These include social distancing, hand hygiene and community masking. If local government officials were to issue mask mandates, we would support the effort.



Myths and Facts About Wearing a Mask

There has been much debate about wearing masks and misinformation has spread online. Let’s clear the air (so to speak) about the most common misconceptions regarding masks.



What You Should Know About Common Lung Diseases Including COVID-19

With the novel coronavirus constantly in the news, you probably think about your lungs quite often these days.



How to Wash Your Hands to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus

Washing your hands is one of the simplest ways to avoid getting sick and prevent the spread of disease to others. Here's how to do it right.



Do You Need a Prenatal Screening?

Pregnancy is a time of great hope and anticipation, but it can also be a time of anxiety as some women worry their baby may have health problems. For mothers who want details about their baby’s health or potential for health problems, prenatal screenings are an option.



Raising Awareness for Heart Disease in Women

February is American Heart Month, an event to remind Americans to focus on their hearts and encourage them to get their families, friends and communities involved. Because women sometimes have misleading symptoms, it’s especially important for them to be aware.



The Basics of Folic Acid

Folic acid is a type of B vitamin that helps your body make new cells like skin cells, hair and nails. More importantly, folic acid helps form the neural tube in the early development of babies. Let’s learn why folic acid is such a vital vitamin for women.



Healthy Gut, Healthy Life? How the Microbiome Diet Can Impact More Than Your Weight

Your diet affects the colony of microbes (aka bacteria) found in your gut, which has the potential to influence your sleep, weight, food allergies, your likelihood for developing certain diseases and more. This colony is called your microbiome. But, just what exactly is a microbiome and how can you ensure yours is healthy and balanced?



The Top 19 Blog Posts of 2019

To recognize 2019 — and as a way to usher in 2020 — we've collected the 19 most popular On Your Health blog posts of 2019. From new food fads and trends to specific male and female issues, readers were interested in a variety of preventive methods to assist in overall health and wellness.



Slip, Trips and Falls: How to Stay Safe in Icy Weather

Winter-related slips and falls not only cause countless injuries but also result in lost work, increased insurance costs and just a whole lot of pain. Here are some of our best tips on how to stay safe from falls in icy weather.



10 Tips to Stay Safe During the Holidays

Staying healthy during the holidays takes a little pre-planning, but it can be done. See our 10 tips on how to keep your health (and sanity) whether you’re driving in a car, taking a train, flying in a plane or just spending time with family and friends.



Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas

Instead of splurging on boxes of candy or gift cards, why not find presents that will bring health and wellness to those you love the most? Helping them feel healthy is one of the best gifts you can give. Check out seven of our favorite good-for-you gift themes below. Don’t feel guilty about giving yourself some of these healthy goodies as well!



Who Are DES Daughters? What’s Their Risk of Developing a Rare Vaginal Cancer?

An estimated five to 10 million were exposed to DES in the womb from 1938-1971. Today, many women might not even know they are at risk, but scientists are calling them the “DES Daughters.”



What is Radon? How Is It Linked to Lung Cancer?

Radon exposure is the top cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers. The EPA estimates radon causes more than 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year, the number two contributor behind smoking.



When Is a Virtual Doctor's Visit a Good Choice?

With telemedicine innovations like INTEGRIS Virtual Visit, patients can access health care straight from their homes with only the internet and a screen!



What is Sciatica?

Sciatica nerve pain ranges from a dull ache to a burning and excruciating pain. Sometimes, the pain hits like a sudden shock when you sneeze or cough, and some patients may experience numbness, muscle weakness or tingling along the affected leg. So, what exactly is sciatica and how can it be treated?



How to Give Yourself a Breast Exam in Five Easy Steps

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, here is a quick and easy way to perform a monthly self-exam.



INTEGRIS Joins the CDC in Recommending Oklahomans Cease Use of E-cigarettes and Vapes

The first four cases of serious lung injury related to e-cigarettes have been confirmed in Oklahoma. Nationwide, 26 people have died so far. While the investigation is ongoing, the CDC recommends that people refrain from using e-cigarette products.



What is a HIIT Workout?

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a workout where you give 100 percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short recovery periods. This type of training gets your heart rate up and burns more calories in less time.



Anosmia Stinks: When You Lose Your Sense of Smell

Being able to smell a rose is something most people take for granted. Losing your sense of smell impacts not only your ability to detect odors, but also many other areas of your life. For instance, your sense of smell is directly related to your ability to taste. How many people suffer from a smell or taste disorder, and is there any treatment?



The Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Tai Chi

Tai Chi is known as "meditation with movement." It's great for people of all fitness levels who want to improve their health. Here is what to expect from your first class.


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