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5 Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Heart

28 June 2023

When it comes to keeping our hearts healthy, exercise plays a crucial role. Regular physical activity can provide many benefits, including a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease, improved blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels and increased overall well-being and function. Aerobic exercises are the most beneficial when it comes to heart health. 

Continue reading below to learn more about the five best activities to strengthen your heart. 

How Much Exercise Is Needed for Heart Health?

In our fast-paced society, finding the time to fit exercise into your daily schedule can feel overwhelming. How much exercise is needed for heart health? The American Heart Association recommends moderate exercise for 30 minutes five times a week to help prevent cardiovascular disease. 

It's important to note that if you are new to exercising, starting slowly to reduce the risk of injury is essential. Finding activities you enjoy will help keep you motivated to stay consistent with your routine. First, find an activity you enjoy, then gradually build up to 30 minutes 5 times a week. 

The Five Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Heart

We've outlined our five favorites below to give you some inspiration for exercises you can try to strengthen your heart. 


When someone thinks of aerobic exercise, one of the first things that will come to mind is running. Running is an great option for aerobic exercise because it doesn't involve expensive start-up costs, which helps make it accessible for all types of people. 

However, if you have joint issues or chronic inflammation, running might cause flare-ups and you may consider different kinds of exercise. 


Swimming is form of low-impact, aerobic exercise for people of all ages. As we age, our joints become painful, making other types of aerobic exercise more painful than beneficial, so swimming is a great choice to keep your heart healthy while taking impact off of your joints. 

Brisk Walking

People often forget that brisk walking is an good form of exercise. If you are new to exercising, ease yourself into a new routine with a quick 30-minute walk. It will get your heart pumping but will be less vigorous than running. 


Cycling is another excellent aerobic exercise with low impact and heart strengthening. Cycling can have a higher start-up cost than running or brisk walking, seeing as a bike or stationary bike is needed or a gym membership that will give you access to one. A benefit is its low impact on joints, making it an great option for people who experience joint issues. 


While lifting weights isn't a typical aerobic form of aerobic exercise, it does have significant benefits when it comes to strengthening your heart. According to Select Health, "strength training increases lean muscle mass, [so] it gives your cardiovascular system places to send the blood being pumped. This results in less pressure on your arteries which helps reduce the chances of heart-related problems."

Visit INTEGRIS Health Today for More Information on Heart Health

At INTEGRIS Health, we have the resources you need to help keep your heart strong and healthy. Schedule an appointment with one of our providers today to come up with a plan to optimize your heart health. 

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INTEGRIS Health Heart Hospital