On Your Health

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Men's Health Checklist for Any Age

June is Men's Health Month and men need to be aware of the proper medical tests and exams they should have at every age. Below is a men's health checklist of common wellness procedures that should be done by your physician for each age group.

In your 20's

  • A complete physical at least every three years
  • Blood pressure check ever year
  • Screening for cancers of the thyroid, testicles, lymph nodes, mouth, and skin every three years
  • Cholesterol test for total and HDL (the good kind) every three years
  • Monthly testicular self-exam
  • If you haven’t already, establish healthy eating habits
  • Exercise Regularly

In your 30's

  • A complete physical at least every two years
  • Blood pressure check every year
  • Screening for cancers of the thyroid, testicles, lymph nodes, mouth, and skin every three years
  • Cholesterol test for total and HDL (the good kind) every three years
  • Monthly testicular self-exam
  • Maintain a healthy weight and diet

In your 40's

  • A complete physical every year
  • Baseline prostate cancer screening – PSA & DRE – Speak with physician about need for annual testing
  • Monthly testicular self-exam

In your 50's and beyond

  • A complete physical every year
  • Discussion with physician about need for regular prostate cancer screenings
  • Colonoscopy or other screening for colorectal cancer

Get help

For more information on men's health tests and procedures, make an appointment with your doctor.