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Health Benefits of Eggs

by Pam Patty, registered dietitian with INTEGRIS

When people think of eating eggs, they often focus on the amount of cholesterol. And while it's important to watch your cholesterol to maintain a healthy heart, eggs provide many other nutritional benefits. Pam Patty, a registered dietitian with INTEGRIS, takes a look at the health benefits of eggs and why eggs can be an important part of your diet.

Hi. My name is Pam Patty. I'm a registered dietitian with INTEGRIS Health, and I wanted to visit with you today a little bit about that eggs-traordinary food that sometimes we take for granted and almost think it's not a good food for us at all. What am I talking about? The incredible, edible egg. And why I want you to think about the whole egg is that we get such great nutrition – things like vitamin D, vitamin A, and choline. Unfortunately, we tend to focus on the cholesterol part of it. And we talk about healthy hearts all the time. And we think cholesterol is a bad thing for the heart, which it certainly can be a challenge. But the yoke of an egg has such great nutrition – phosphorus, folate, and less than two grams of saturated fat in the egg. So remember, think of spring, think of looking for those eggs at that next Easter egg hunt. And then remember that real food is good for real health.



Health Benefits of Eggs

Pam Patty, a registered dietitian with INTEGRIS, takes a look at the health benefits of eggs and why eggs can be an important part of your diet.