INTEGRIS Telehealth

Communicate with a provider by telephone, messaging or live video for care even when you can’t visit the office or clinic in person.

INTEGRIS Telehealth Options for You and Your Family

Even when you can’t visit your provider’s office, you can still get care through our many Telehealth options. 

Telehealth INTEGRIS 

Scheduling is easy.

Telehealth appointments are a safe and secure option for managing chronic conditions, receiving care for non-emergency injury or illness and maintaining well visits for children or adults. Call your INTEGRIS Health provider for details. Regardless of what’s going on with your health, we are here for you.

If you’re new to INTEGRIS Health, call central scheduling  to identify an appropriate provider.

INTEGRIS Health Video Visit

INTEGRIS Health Telephone Visit

INTEGRIS Health E-Visit

More Information about INTEGRIS Health and Me


INTEGRIS Telehealth Video or Phone Visits

Schedule a Phone or Video Visit with your doctor today.
Three Ways To See Your INTEGRIS Doctor
INTEGRIS Telehealth
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INTEGRIS Health and Me

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