INTEGRIS Health Nazih Zuhdi Transplant Institute

Kidney Living Donor

Please read through the following information to learn about the living donor program. If, after reading this information, you believe you meet the minimum qualifications to be a living donor, you may then proceed to fill out our living donor eligibility form.

Living Donor Eligibility Form

What is Living Kidney Donation?

This is when a person, related or unrelated, donates a kidney for transplantation into another person.

Why is Living Donation Important?

Thousands of people are waiting for a kidney transplant across the United States, according to the United Network of Organ Sharing ( About 30 to 40 percent of patients who are listed for a kidney transplant will receive an organ from a living donor.

Advantages of living donation:

  • Improved organ and patient survival rates
  • A shorter waiting period for the transplant recipient
  • An ability to plan the transplant well in advance.

Who Can Be a Living Donor?

Potential donors are individually considered for their suitability as a donor.

A potential donor must be 21 years or older, generally in good health and free from:

  • Diabetes type I or II
  • High blood pressure treated with two or more medications
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart disease
  • Mental health disorders treated with two or more medications
  • BMI (body mass index) above 35
  • Infectious diseases such as active Hepatitis, HIV or AIDS.
  • Cancer (with the exception of skin cancer)

Testing includes:

  • Blood tests
  • X-rays
  • Social worker evaluation
  • Living donor advocate assessment
  • Transplant nephrologist consult
  • Transplant surgical consult
  • Transplant coordinator education.

Based on your age and sex, additional testing may be required:

  • Colonoscopy
  • Cardiac testing
  • Mammogram
  • Pap smear
  • Other tests based on your individual evaluation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to Be a Living Donor?

An Orchestrated Connection: A Kidney Transplant Story

For questions, please call 405-949-3816 and ask for the Living Donor Coordinator.


A Timely Delivery

A lifesaving act of kindness borne from a simple, chance encounter.
Living Donor Transplant Process
Living Donors and the List
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